Tuesday, October 2, 2007

30. Sept. - 2. October Cape "Summer Winds"

Sunday saw us at another Crafters Market - blissfully set in a little protected glen on the lee hillside, as the wind is unbelievable. We saw some amazing art - lots of the South African specialty wire & bead critters & bowls, some amazing lace coverlets that seemed out of left field, shallow, hand-woven baskets, didgeridoos made from various materials, including giant kelp dried, sealed & fitted with a mouthpiece like a gothicrustic space trumpet. Finn tried out the didgeri.

Monday, very early, Bailey has headed out to shoot in Mozambique this week. He'll be checking in each night with the news in brief.

And Tuesday, we have a peaceful day. Where we just hear contruction in the distance and the funny little pigeon/doves with red-ringed eyes that sound like howler monkeys. For three days straight, it sounded as if there were a raging blizzard outside, despite the sun and balmy temperatures. Here it's a "South Easter": The solid galeforce winds must have hit at least 50mph and more in some crazy gusting. We felt badly for anyone out at sea, as the water here is choppy at best, anyway. This is common for weather on the cape - especially in springtime. We've watched the clouds roil up and around the mountains, sometimes hunkering on high & churning, other times settling into the valley below us like fog or smoke. It's quite spectacular.

From our perch here on the hillside, we often spot "The Rabid, Vicious, Man-Eating Chickens" - known to the rest of the world as wild guinea fowl. (But note the glowing eye in photo.) They amble into the yard and, of course, don't mind being fed. Maddie is enchanted. Today the kids found an enormous black, hairy spider in the neighbors yard, fortunately, and Maddie came running over squawking for a camera. The spider was later tentatively identified in a line-up as a "Babboon Spider" with a charming ability to jump AND bite! Excellent. The kids played with the neighbors for much of the day back & forth between houses as today was Birthday Party Day for Miss Kelsey Tuter next door.

Then, we scooted down the hill to catch the tail end of a practice day the Hout Bay Music Project. Just the senior students were left - a handful of 15 & 16 year-old boys, all of whom are positively incredible musicians. Anele tested out (Maddie’s) new violin from Peyer with a great piece: Kreisler’s Praeludium and Allegro. No sheet music, he just lived it. They went on to jam an assortment of pieces - including a great version of “Stand by Me.” Maddie captured some footage, check it out by clicking on URL above (may come up as "?" icon near the Finn pic), or by copying & pasting address below into another window:

More information on the Project at: http://www.ikamvayouth.org/houtbay
and an article for listening at: http://www.worldvision.org/worldvision/radio.nsf/stable/2FB065DFBBE412CC88257302006501C1?OpenDocument

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Eleanor loves bugs. Bring back samples!!